Online Rights Management Certificate
The Bald Dude.Co - Online Rights Management Certificate
This Online Rights Management Certificate is issued by The Bald Dude.Co and serves as proof of ownership and rights for the digital content associated with the design and photography herein. The certificate is intended to be placed in the metadata of the designated content for the purpose of protecting the intellectual property rights of The Bald Dude.Co.
Certificate Information:
- Issuer: The Bald Dude.Co
- Content Type: Design & Photography
- Certificate ID: BldDdCt9sKmP4vL7
- Date of Issuance: 07/23/2023
- Validity: This certificate is valid indefinitely unless otherwise specified or revoked by The Bald Dude.Co.
Rights and Usage:
1. Copyright Ownership: The Bald Dude.Co asserts its full and exclusive ownership rights over the designated design and photography content. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or modification of the content is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
2. Permitted Usage: The certificate holder may use the designated content for the purpose of personal viewing, non-commercial sharing on social media platforms, and promotion of the content with proper attribution to The Bald Dude.Co.
3. Prohibited Usage: The certificate holder is expressly prohibited from selling, licensing, sublicensing, or otherwise commercially exploiting the designated content without obtaining written permission from The Bald Dude.Co.
4. Alterations: The certificate holder shall not alter, manipulate, or modify the content in any way that could misrepresent its original form or infringe upon the copyright and creative integrity of The Bald Dude.Co.
5. Credit and Attribution: When sharing the content on social media platforms or other non-commercial platforms, the certificate holder must provide clear and visible credit to The Bald Dude.Co as the copyright holder.
6. Transfer of Rights: This certificate is non-transferable. The rights and privileges granted herein are exclusive to the certificate holder and cannot be assigned or transferred to any third party without prior written consent from The Bald Dude.Co.
7. Revocation: The Bald Dude.Co reserves the right to revoke this certificate and its associated rights if the certificate holder is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions stated herein.
By embedding this certificate in the metadata of the designated content, the certificate holder acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions outlined above. Failure to comply may result in legal consequences.
Justin Von Braun
Owner, The Bald Dude.Co